Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are Bugs Good For You?

OK, I couldn't resist posting this Luke moment. We went to Cici's Pizza for lunch today because he had been given a "Star Student" certificate at school and Olivia eats for free so I figured, what the heck. While he was eating his noodles and carrots, he saw a small bug crawling on his carrots. To me it looked like a fruit fly or something that size. Instead of shewing it away, my boy scooped it up on his noodle and ate it. It was disgusting. The worst part was that he did it like it was no big deal, like he eats bugs every day. So I ask myself, how can the world's pickiest eater have no problem eating bugs? Seriously, he won't eat anything with any form of sauce on it, but he will eat bugs. ARRGGH where did I go wrong?


The Barton Family said...

Thanks for making me not want to eat at CiCis again! That is really funny- Maybe he is sick of seeing you guys eat things he can't so he woanted to try something you wouldn't!

Beckie said...

I've heard they are packed with protein... at least they aren't high in cholesterol like them squirrels (thanks for the tip Cousin Eddie).