Friday, November 20, 2009

Mom, Dad, I have a loose tooth!

Luke made a surprise announcement at Family Home Evening this week. "Mom, Dad, I have a loose tooth!" It was very exciting, and a little emotional (Heather), Luke had us call every one he could think of (Grandma) and some others we could think of (you know who you are).

So after about 3 days of serious wiggling, it came out at school.He got a little treasure box to keep it in. That night, he and Olivia were so excited to put it under his pillow, before we had finished reading books and saying prayers, he had check his pillow three times. I think Olivia was even more excited than Luke at the thought of a Tooth Fairy bring Luke a dollar. A dollar! Boy, teeth were going a lot cheaper when I was little... Sigh... must be inflation.

Posted by Mark. (I'm sure Heather will edit something in here).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Bedroom's Day

We have been talking for a while about getting Olivia a BIG bed. When she heard that it was Veteran's Day she thought it was "Bedrooms Day". So, she wanted to get her new bed for "Bedrooms Day". I think I may need to get her hearing checked out.
Mark let the kids "break the bed in" by jumping on it. That's great Mark! Hopefully we don't have a broken bed and a broken child before "Bedroom's Day" is over. Olivia is so excited to be in her new bed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Early in October, Luke decided that he wanted to be Ash Ketchum for Halloween. For those not familiar to the Pokemon world, Ash is the main Pokemon trainer. He looked just like Ash. The pictures don't show it but he has spiky black hair poking out from around his hat.

Miss Olivia wanted to be a butterfly for Halloween. I wanted her to just be a butterfly, not a butterfly princess, but the skirt and the wand came with the wings so that was one battle I chose not to engage in. Olivia is now three and I am choosing my battles already.

All ready to go trick or treating. Just waiting and waiting for it to get dark.

Flu Shot

When Olivia heard that Hannah, our afterschool buddie, was getting a flu shot, she got very upset and started to cry because she didn't get a flu shot. I asked Olivia if she wanted a flu shot and through tears she said, "yes, I like flu shots and you didn't let me get one." So, feeling a little guilt stricken, I made an appointment and got her a flu shot. I don't think she really likes flu shots but she sure doesn't like to be left out of anything.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Soccer Season!

This is Luke's first year playing soccer. He loves it. The other kids on the team have had more experience but he is catching up. He has a great coach. And this is what we get to do every Saturday morning.

I'll post more pictures when I get a minute.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Luke - the strongest boy in the world!

We've been trying to get Luke into a new pediatric doctor's office that is closer to home. Don't get me started on what a pain it was to get him in for an appointment. Okay, I'm started. Short version: The common response from every receptionist is, "We can't see him for anything until he has a new patient visit." Huh?! So if we bring him in for a 'new patient visit' why not do some diagnosis then? To be honest this is the kind of stuff I'd like to see 'reformed'; well, that and the whole cost of the visit and medication. Anyway, back to Luke's story.

We had a new patient visit this week with a new doctor. The office is nice, and very efficient of getting patients seen. Everything is digital. The records are typed straight into the computer, so the doctor or assistant just pull it up on the computer in the room when they get there. The nurse had come to take Luke's vitals. As she is putting on the arm cuff, she told Luke, "I'm going to put this on your arm to measure your muscles." Then Luke replied, "You better be careful. I really strong, I might break it!" Ha! What a ham. He gets this from his mama.

The doctor has a great bedside manner and was really good with Luke. He asked Luke if he knew where his heart was, and Luke pointed to his chest. The doctor then takes his stethoscope to listen to the heart and puts it on Luke's head. Boy, did Olivia think that was the funniest thing ever, and just laughed and laughed! (posted by Mark)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain, Rain Hooray for Rain

We have been in a horrible drought for the last two years. We have been on water restrictions since the beginning of June and had the hotest summer on record. San Antonio has been trying to push this slogan "Brown is the new Green". Who are they kidding.

Then earlier this week it started to rain and we have had rain every day this week. We even bought new umbrellas. Bring on the rain!

Rise and Shout the Cougars Are Out!!!

Mark and I went to the BYU vs Oklahoma game in Dallas/Arlington/ Fort Worth last weekend. It was AWESOME and I am not a huge BYU fan. I have been married to Mark for 8 wonderful years. I have heard all of the stories about his glory days at BYU over and over. I have watched football games with him. I have gone to BYU campus with him every summer to reminisce. Then to my surprise, at the BIG GAME, I find out that Mark doesn't know the words to the fight song. Unless there is a but chunk in the middle that goes da da da da da. I was Shocked! If you see him, feel free to mention it.

The game was very exciting, BYU pulled ahead and won in the 4th quarter. The Cowboys new stadium to pretty sweet. All of the seats are cushioned and there is a huge mega-tron screen that must be at least 40 yards wide. Luke would have been in heaven. He loves TV.

I would never give up the opportunity to spend some time with my parents. I wish we were closer. Have I said that before?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Olivia's First Day at Preschool

Ready for school with big brother Luke.

She was very excited to go to the same preschool Luke went to last year.

So tired that she fell asleep in the cart at Walmart. I think it is going to be a great year!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Luke's First Day of School

Before: Luke was very excited for Kindergarten. A little anxious but still excited.
We dropped him off in the gym. He found his teacher's name and sat in line with all the confidence in the world. Mark and I had to leave quickly before the tears started, I'm no going to say who was shedding the tears.

After: Luke didn't get home on the bus until almost 5. He spent over and hour on an un-air conditioned bus. Notice the red cheeks. Thanks to a certain road that was closed due to construction...Mark. Luke was still in a good mood considering. What a trooper. I now pick him up from school.

Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

With a record breaking 55 days over 100 degrees, we swam and swam and swam.

This is our summer in a nut shell. We went to swim lessons, then we went to the pool.

Splashtown with daddy, though I think he was sick that day (just in case someone from the office is reading).
We swam so much, Olivia wore her goggles to bed.
Olivia and her friend Olivia even had to play "Tea Party" in the pool.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teaching a Five Year Old Manners?!?

I am trying to teach Luke to be a polite child. He is a very happy boy and gets very excited to talk to people. I love his enthusiasm but his execution isn't always very polite but we are getting there. The other day we were in Lowe's picking up some brackets to mount some shelves in his closet, which by the way I did all by myself. Anyway, as we were leaving the store, Luke said, "Mom, that lady(referring to the cashier) was really fat, but I'm not allowed to say it." Baby steps in the right direction. Then, yesterday we were out riding bikes and he saw a man out walking and he said, "Hello there old man, how's it going?" At least he is still cute.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hiking in Utah

My mom and I took the kids hiking to Stewart Falls. We thought it would be fun to start at Sundance and ride the tram to the top of the mountain and hike down to the falls. My kids loved riding the tram. I tried to explain the idea of skiing to them but they didn't get it.

The mountains up Provo Canyon are so beautiful. I miss them so much. If Texas had mountains like this, I would never want to leave.

My kids are getting to be pretty good hikers. Though we chose a trail that proved to be quite difficult. There were some very steep downhill slopes with loose gravel that the kids needed help getting down. I hope we didn't break grandma's back.

My mom is the greatest grandma. My kids love her so much. To them she is better than Santa. Thanks mom.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Fun June 2009

San Antonio Missions
Mormon night at the San Antonio Missions. They reserved a section for church members and we got in for a discounted rate. The kids were hot and tired, I was talking to everyone I knew and Mark was well, watching the game. Maybe in a few years the kids will enjoy it more.

Witte Museum
The Amazing Marko on the tight rope. Oh, the many hidden talents. Mark came with us to the Witte Museum one Saturday. There is actually a counter balance on the bottom, but he still looks pretty amazing.
The Witte Museum is always fun. Mark is proud of Luke turning the water thingy. I can never remember what it is called. The Archemedies Screw? OK I know I spelled it wrong. That is why I'm not an engineer.
This mat at the museum had moving lights that played different games like dodge ball and jump rope. A great way to tire out the kids.

ArtWorks studio for the open play time. We made paper mache masks, tie dye, paint spinners, paint rubbings, stamps and a few other things I can't remember. The kids had a blast and my house stayed clean. Well worth the $5.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just My Luck

Here I am spending time with my whole family in Utah. At times there at 23+ staying at my moms house. A non-stop party. Avoiding the Texas heat. And, my camera battery died. So anyway. We are having a great time. Olivia is having a ball with her "girl cousins" Courtney and Valerie. We miss Mark and our friends but we are very happy to be in cooler weather. Hopefully everyone else is taking enough pictures that I can steel a few.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swim Lessons

It's HOT. It's summer. And that means it is time for swim lessons. I think that every kid in South Texas needs to know how to swim. Luke and Olivia are in the same class with three other kids. Their teacher's name is Dana. Which is easy to remember because last year Luke's preschool teacher was named Mrs. Dana.

Luke is very brave for his first swim lessons and always wants to be the first one to try.

Olivia is a little more timid but has great form. She will be swimming like a mermaid in no time.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Luke receiving his "diploma" from his teacher, Mrs. Dana. During graduation practice, Luke instisted on being called Luke Thomas Hill. Where does he come up with this stuff?

After a short program, each child passed through the "Candy Land Express" set up across the stage. Then, ended at Kindergarten Castle where they received their "diplomas".

Luke is in the back on the right. The kid in front of him was bouncing around so much I could never get a good picture of Luke.

Luke's first girlfriend, Halle Walker. She is such a cutie. Her grandpa would tell me every morning that Halle would talk about him nonstop and she would be very sad if Luke wasn't at preschool. I can't say I blame her. He is a charmer.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yippee I'm Three!!!

Olivia is three years old. I can't believe she is growing up so fast. I am so proud of her, she is so smart, sweet and tries to do what is right, most of the time. We had a great party for her with all of the essencials.

A Princess cake with strawberry mouse filling, YUMMY!!! And I am not a cake person. But this one was worth every calorie. Olivia picked it out.

One thing I can say about this girl is, she knows what she likes.

Presents for the birthday girl and the most important part...

Lots of friends to play with. We had a swimming pool, a slip and slide and we put the hose on the trampoline to offset the 95 degree weather. Olivia only wanted to invite girls to her party. She doesn't have any friends her age so we invited all of the afterschool kids, neighbors and even her favorite babysitter. I insisted, much to her dismay, that she invite Luke and daddy. Everyone had a great time though Olivia was a little tired by the end of the party.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Mark and I love to sit and play games and we have tried to teach our kids to play with us but until now have been unsuccessful. We finally found something that helps us make it through a whole game of Uno with our kids. A neighbor gave us some kids card holders and they work like a charm. Our kids love them.

Olivia still holds her cards facing the wrong way from time to time but that just makes it easier to help her. We are looking forward to many years of cards and games in the Hill house.